
Now Everyone Can Speak English

Penjelasan Mengenai Welcoming Visitors

Daftar Isi


welcoming visitors


a. Definition 

Welcoming visitor sangatlah penting dipelajari dalam memberikan serta menunjukkan itikad baik kita dalam menyambut seseorang yang datang mengunjungi kantor kita. Dan berikut adalah beberapa ungkapan yang dapat kita gunakan:

  • Welcome to Golden English!
  • I’m Evi of/from Golden English.
  • Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable.
  • Would you like something to drink?
  • Is this your first time in the city?
  • Did you have any trouble finding us?
  • Did you find your way here all right?
  • I can show you around the building, if you’d like.
  • So how long are you here for?

Baca Juga : Tips memperoleh Nilai TOEFL diatas 500

1. Example of dialogue 1:

A : Good morning, Ms. Bennet. Welcome. It’s nice to see you again.

B : And you. I’ve been very much Looking forward to this visit.

A :  So have we. May I take your suitcase?

B : Certainly. Here you are.

A : Please have a seat, and make Yourself comfortable. Would you Like something to drink?

B : Yes, I wouldn’t mind a hot drink.


2. Example of dialogue 2:

Clerk : Good evening sir.

Man : Evening, I’d like to check in please.

Clerk : Certainly sir, do you have a reservation?

Man : Yes, in the name of Martin Endrew White.

Clerk : That’s right. You’ve booked a room with a view of the harbour. Can you please sign your name in registration book. Here is your key card. You’re in room no 1004. It’s on the 30th floor. You’ll have a great view of the harbour from there.

Man : Thanks, where can I get something to eat?

Clerk : Our restaurant is located on the 3rd floor. Dinner is served from 7. 

Man : Great! What time is breakfast served in the morning?

Clerk : Breakfast is served  between  6  and  10. 

Man : Ok. Thank you for your help.

Clerk : You’re very welcome sir. I’ll call a bellboy to show you to your room. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Baca Juga : Pengertian Offering Help To Someone


Latihan 1

Bacalah dialog diatas secara berulang. Selanjutnya buatlah dialognya sesuai dengan versi kamu sendiri.


Latihan 2

Berikut adalah lanjutan dialog di part A, isi dialog tersebut dengan kata-kata di bawah ini.


his regards

would you like


would you prefer?



finding the way


drop of milk

join us        

rearrange his schedule


A : Of course, we have tea, coffee and hot chocolate. What ____________  

B : Coffee would be great, thank you? 

A : How _____________ your coffee?

B : A____________milk and one sugar, please.

A : Here you are. Please____________to the cookies. 

B : They look ____________thank you.

A : You’re welcome. Did you have any trouble ________________? 

B : No, the____________you sent me were very clear.

A : Excellent. How’s Mr. Samuels?

B : He’s very well. He send_____________.

A : It’s a pity he couldn’t ______________today.

B : Indeed. He would have really liked to come, but unfortunately he wasn’t able to__________.


Memberikan pelayanan yang baik dalam menerima tamu merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi sebuah instansi/lembaga/perusahaan.  


Karena hal ini akan memberikan kesan dan citra positif bagi perusahaan, serta hal ini juga dapat memberikan kenyamanan bagi para tamu sehingga mereka lebih leluasa dan tidak kaku saat mengunjungi kantor kita.


Dan pembahasan diatas merupakan contoh ungkapan-ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk memulai percakapan. Akan tetapi, perlu diperhatikan juga bahwa kita jangan terlalu lama ataupun terlalu banyak basa-basi dalam hal ini, tentu saja itu hanya akan membuat si tamu merasa bosan , sementara mereka datang dengan sebuah tujuan yang harus diseleaikan.

Baca Juga : Trik Mengasah Pronunciaton agar Seperti Native Speaker

= = = = =

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Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.
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Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.
Teguh Gunawan, S.Li.
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